You are probably aware that our fixtures have been agreed for some time now, we were due to play Durham on Sunday 7th July however the Durham Match Secretary is required to rearrange this home game against us to meet with new rules that will come into place this season, namely all group games to be concluded by end of June:

8.2.bNorthern Section (only) – Adams & Newton is to be zoned, starting 2024.

Zonal games home AND away, with a closing date of the last weekend in June for zonal games.

Therefore Durham have proposed Saturday 8th June 130pm start at Jack Clark Park as an alternative date in order to conform with the new regulations.

Apologies for this change but there is little we can do, the new Adams/Newton schedule will be:

Saturday 18th May AWAY v Cleveland 1.30pm Ropner Park

Saturday 25th May HOME v Durham 130pm Hirst Park

Saturday 8th June AWAY v Durham 130pm Jack Clark Park

Saturday 22nd June HOME v Cleveland 130pm Hirst Park


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