1 – Condition of Entry
1.1 – All male entries must be a member of a club affiliated to the N.C.B.A. (Three-a-side) and are bound by the Constitution and Competition Rules thereof.
1.2 – All female entries must be a member of a club affiliated to the Northumberland County Women’s Bowling Federation (NCWBF). Whilst they are to abide by the Competition Rules of the NCBA (Three-a-side), they are at all times bound by the Constitution and Rules of The NCWBF
1.3 – All entrants, into individual County Competitions, must be prepared to attend the National Finals at Skegness or Newark for Indoor Competitions, should the competition qualify them to do so. Anyone, winning a County Competition, and not attending the National Finals, without a valid reason (Holidays and other Codes of Bowls do not constitute a valid reason), will not be eligible to receive a swinger, and after investigation, by the Executive Committee, may not be allowed to enter County Competitions for a period to be determined by the County Executive Committee.
1.4 – Where a competitor withdraws from a County Competition, after the draw has been made, and published and after the 1st May of that year, without a valid reason (Holidays do not constitute a valid reason), and after investigation, by the Executive Committee, may not be allowed to enter County Competitions for a period
to be determined by the Executive Committee.
2 – Finals Outdoors
2.2- All finals to be played on Finals Day on green recommended by the Competition Secretary, but ratified by the Executive Committee.
2.3 – On Finals days, Participants will not be allowed Roll ups or Practice on the Greens used by the association for these events
Indoor Competitions
2.4 – On Finals day, Participants will not be allowed Roll Ups or Practice on the Greens used by the association for these events
3 – Dress
3.1 – Dress for all Indoor and Outdoor Competitions shall be:
a) Shirts: Predominantly white bowls shirt, White or cream dress shirt or white polo shirt or club coloured polo shirt (colour to be registered with County Secretary). No ‘T’ Shirts.
b) Trousers: Black or Grey. Tailored Shorts: Black or Grey by an approved bowls wear manufacturer, to be worn with grey ankle or trainer socks. Tracksuit bottoms, jeans or shorts will not be allowed. Pullover, cardigan or jacket must be white or cream.
c) Finals: Predominantly white bowls shirt. White or cream dress shirt or white polo shirt or club coloured polo shirt (colour to be registered with County Secretary). No ‘T’ Shirts. Grey or black or white trousers, white or cream pullover, cardigan or jacket (if worn). Hat or cap (if worn) to be white or cream or club coloured (No advertising). Grey or black or white tailored shorts may be worn as provided by an approved bowls wear manufacturer, to be worn with white ankle or trainer socks.
d) Bowls Footwear – In all rounds of all competitions, Bowls Footwear as, supplied by a recognised Bowls Wear Retailer, or specially adapted Bowling Shoes are to be worn.
e) Only in heavy rain will any consideration be given to deviate from the dress as directed in Rule 3.1 (a.b.c)
3.1.1 – Penalty for Flouting Dress Rules.
In any County Competition, an opponent will not be allowed, to commence playing, whilst improperly dressed. His opponent will then be awarded the game.
3.1.2 – Male players participating in inter-county association matches and national championships must wear white or coloured shirts (colour to be registered with the National Secretary), white or cream trousers, or white tailored shorts (with EBF logo) as provided by an approved bowls wear manufacturer, to be worn with white ankle or trainer socks. T-shirts (no collar will not be allowed whether white or coloured. White belt (if worn), white braces (if worn) white undergarments, white or cream socks, bowling shoes as approved by the county association concerned, white or cream pullover or cardigan (if worn), white cap or white hat (if worn) and white or cream waterproof clothing (if worn). In a team event players must all have same coloured shirts or must all wear white shirts. White Tailored shorts (with EBF logo as provided by an approved bowls wear manufacturer may be worn with white ankle or trainer socks. Tops such as sweatshirts, sheen jackets or pullovers shall either be of an identical matching colour or white or cream providing all players wear the same. Ties are optional wear during play.
Approved clothing may display an identifying County badge, a sponsor’s name/logo that must not exceed the area/size of that County’s badge and a sponsor’s name (not exceeding 300mm wide x 75mm high) on the front or rear of the garment. The display of the garment manufacturers name or trademark is allowed. Uniforms must be checked by relevant County Association Officials.
Male players participating in non-Inter County Association matches or National Championships may wear grey tailored shorts (with EBF logo) as provided by an approved bowls wear manufacturer, to be worn with grey ankle or trainer socks.
3.1.3 – For male players participating in mixed games (pairs, rinks and Durham Centenary Trophy) the dress code shall be as per 3.1.2 excepting the Durham Centenary Trophy where club shirts may be worn for all stages of the competition.
3.1.4 – Dress for all presentations shall be match dress, for arriving at the match and after match meals, dress shall be county association or club blazers and grey trousers with county coloured shirts or white shirts, county tie optional.
3.2 – The Dress Code For Ladies
The Dress Code For Ladies taking part in County Competitions, Mixed County Competitions, League Matches, Northumberland Gala, shall be: Grey Regulation Bowling Skirt, length must be below the knee, Grey Regulation Bowling Trousers, No Jeans Type Trousers or Striped Trousers or Track Suit Bottoms or Straight Leg Trousers (skin tight) Cropped Trousers if worn must be Regulation and not full length Trousers shortened. White or Cream above the waist, top must have turned down collar, and either long or short sleeves, Not Capped. No Lacy or See Through Tops to be worn. Grey, White or Brown Regulation Bowling Shoes Hats if worn to be Plain White or Plain Cream. Sun Visors may be worn but must be plain. Tights or Stockings are Optional, but if worn must be Light Brown or Beige. Pop Socks or White or Cream Ankle Socks or Footsies may be worn with Full length Trousers Only. Waterproofs, Cardigans, Jackets etc. when worn must be White or Cream.
3.3 – TThe Dress for Mixed League, and Mixed County Competitions, Ladies may wear a Club Shirt, A Jacket if worn must be White or Cream, or Club Jacket. In accordance with the E.W.B.F. National Rule, smoking is not permitted whilst playing, either on or off the green.
3.4 – Dress for N.C.W.B.F. County Finals and Mixed County Finals, Indoor and Outdoor, shall be, in accordance with Paragraph 14.4. of The County Constitution, with the addition of: White or Cream Regulation Bowling Skirt, length must be below the Knee. White or Cream Regulation Bowling Trousers, as supplied by a Bowls Wear Retailer, (not figure hugging) White or Cream Regulation Cropped Bowling Trousers, as supplied by a Bowls wear Retailer (not full length shortened) White or Cream Undergarments, Tights or Stockings are Optional, but if worn must be Light Brown or Beige. Pop Socks or White or Cream Ankle Socks or Footsies may be Worn With Full Length Trousers Only. White Regulation Bowling Shoes. Hats if worn to be Plain White or Plain Cream, Sun Visors may be worn, but must be plain. Waterproofs, Cardigans, Jackets etc. when worn Must Be White or Cream. A Minimum of Jewellery may be worn. In accordance with E.W.B.F. National Rules, Smoking is not permitted whilst playing, either on or off the green
Dress for National Championship Finals, including Mixed, both Indoor and Outdoor, shall be in accordance with E.W.B.F. National Rules. N.C.W.B.F. County Coloured Shirt, Maroon County Cardigan, Maroon County Jacket or All White or Cream above waist, Top to have Turned Down Collar and Long or Short Sleeves, not capped, and must not be lacy or see through or figure hugging. White or Cream Regulation Bowling Skirt, length to cover the Knees. White or Cream Regulation Bowling Trousers, as supplied by a Bowls Wear Retailer. White or Cream Regulation Cropped Bowling Trousers, as supplied by a Bowls Wear Retailer, not full length shortened. White or Cream Undergarments. White Bowling Shoes, Tights or Stockings are optional but if worn must be Light Brown or Beige. Pop Socks or White or Cream Ankle Socks or Footsies may be Worn with Full Length Trousers Only. Hats if worn must be Plain White or Plain Cream, Sun Visors if worn must Be Plain Waterproofs if worn to be White or Cream. A Minimum of Jewellery may be worn. Off Green Dress to include: Brown, White or Cream Plain Walking Shoes or Brown White or Cream Plain Sandals, (Mules or Flip Flop Style Footwear are not allowed) Brown or White Handbag Uniforms to be checked by County Officials. In accordance with E.W.B.F. National Rules, smoking is not permitted whilst playing either on or off the green.
4 – Federation Competitions
4.1 – All competitions shall be played in accordance with the English Bowling Federation (EBF) Rules, in case of conflict, between the County Association domestic rules and EBF competitions rules, the EBF ruling will take precedence.
4.2 – Each affiliated County Association shall be bound by these Rules and rearranged and played no later than the 14th September of that particular season.
4.3 – With the exception of the Secretaries and 2 Bowl Champion of Champions Championships, competitors for the National Finals shall be provided by each County Association holding an appropriate competition.
4.4 – Each round, of every competition, shall be drawn separately.
4.5 – Only the Winner(s) of a County Association competition shall be eligible to play in the National Finals.
4.6 – If in any singles competition, the winner is unable to play in a National Final, no substitute will be allowed. Unless the engagement of marker has been arranged by a County Bowling Association or a National Bowling Federation, in any singles competition drawn round, it shall be the duty of the first drawn player to arrange the services of an efficient marker, who shall then act, during the playing of the round in accordance with the marker and umpires rules, wherever possible a certified, qualified marker, shall be engaged.
4.7 – In all competitions players shall be allowed two trial ends.
4.8 – Play in all competitions shall be limited to two bowls only per player except ln 4 bowl bowls singles and three bowl rinks.
4.9 – Bowls of less than number 3 Bias will not be allowed.
4.10 – In a game of ends there must be stipulated a number of played ends except where rule 4.23 applies.
4.11 – In the event of a draw, at the completion of the prescribed number, an extra end shall be played. A coin shall be shall tossed for the choice of jack at the extra end, which shall be played from where the last end ceased.
4.12 – Competitors may play for only one County Association in Federation competitions in any season. Members of clubs affiliated to different County Associations are required to nominate the County Association for which they intend to play their competitions. represent more than one of his or her teams in any one Competition.
4.13 – Except in Mixed Pairs, Mixed Rinks and open pairs competitions, the competitors (including a substitute) shall come from the same affiliated club. No competitor may enter EBF/EWBF competitions from more than one club in any one year.
4.14 – In Mixed Pairs the male competitor shall be a member of a club affiliated to the EBF and the female competitor shall be a member of a club affiliated to the EWBF and from within the same County Association area.
4.15 – In Mixed Rinks each male competitor shall be a member of a club affiliated to the Federation and each female competitor shall be a member of a club affiliated to the EWBF and both shall be from within the same County Association area. Where two male players constitute the Mixed Rink, they must be from the same Federation Club. Where two females players constitute the Mixed Rink, they must be members of the same EWBF club.
4.16 – Where a competitor has entered a competition as a named player, and the entry bearing his/her name has been included in the draw, competition Irrespective of whether or not he/she has actually played his/her original group.
4.17 – A substitute may be used except in Singles competitions. Where a substitute is permissible, as defined below, only that named substitute may be used in any subsequent rounds of that competition including the National Finals. One additional and the same player may, however, be used as a substitute at any time.
4.18 PAIRS. (Including SENIOR PAIRS) – The two players, taking part in the first game, must include at least one of the named players, from the original entry and shall constitute the pair. They should normally play together throughout the competition including the National Finals. One additional and the same player may, however, may be used as a substitute at any time, provided that he has not already played in, or named in, another pair and is eligible to play in that competition. He may play in any subsequent round for either player.
4.19 RINKS & TRIPLES – The three players taking part, in the first game, must include at least two of the named players from the original entry. They shall constitute the rink and should normally play together throughout the competition, including the National Finals. One additional and the same player may, however, be used as a substitute at any time, provided that he has not already played in, or named in, another rink and is eligible to play in that competition. He may play in any subsequent round for any of the three players.
4.20 MIXED PAIRS. (Including SENIOR MIXED PAIRS) – The two players, taking part in the first game, must include at least one of the named players from the original entry. They shall constitute the pair and should normally play together throughout the competition, including the National Finals. Two additional, and the same players may, however, be used as substitutes; a male substitute may be used for the male player and a female substitute for the female player provided he/she has not already played in, or named in ,another mixed pair and is eligible to play in that competition.
4.21 UNDER 25s – UNDER 25 & OVER 25 OPEN PAIRS – A pair may consist of either two males, two females or a male and female and that a substitute, if used, may be of either sex, players need not to be members of the same club. The two players, taking part in the first game, must include at least one of the named players from the original entry. They shall constitute the pair and should normally play together throughout the competition including the National Finals. One additional , and the same player may, however, be used as a substitute, provided he/she has not already played in, or named in, another U25s open pairs (or Under 25 & Over 25 Open Pairss) and is eligible to play in that competition.
4.22 MIXED RINKS – Three players, taking part in the first game, must include at least two of the named players from the original entry. They shall constitute the rink and should normally play together throughout the competition, including the National Finals. Two additional and the same players may, however, be used as substitutes, a male substitute may be used for the male player(s) and a female substitute for the female player(s) provided he/she has not already played, or named in another mixed rink and is eligible to play in that competition. At least two players, from the original mixed rink (except where two players played where two players played against three) must play in each round i.e. only one substitute may be used at any one time. The substitute must come from the same club as the substituted player. The male substitute may play for either of the male players, where two males play, and the female substitute may play for either of the female players where two females play.
4.23 A WALKOVER – Players awarded a walkover, in any round of a competition, must notify the Competition Secretary of the situation and submit a scorecard with their names, and the names of their opponents, in order to proceed to the next round.
4.24 – In the event of a player, due to sickness or other exceptional circumstances, needing to withdraw from a match (with the exception of singles), that has already started, a substitute may be allowed to take his or her place, provided that the substitute meets the requirement of the 4.15 and 4.16, and that both sides agree to the substitute.
4.25 – County Matches (Including Durham Centenary Trophy Matches) – Should a match not be started (on account of rain, an unfit green or other unforeseen circumstances) within ninety minutes of the original time for starting, the visiting team may request that the match be played on another date, the home team shall then offer, within 4 days and subject to rule. 3 alternative dates, one of which must be accepted within 2 days.
4.26 – Individual Competitions – The completion of, or the arranging of, individual County Competitions that are affected by rain or other circumstances, cannot be legislated for, at National level, because of the differing formats and therefor apply local rules where matches are so affected.
4.27 – In the event of a match being unfinished, owing to rain or other cause, deemed sufficient by the committee of the competition concerned, the match shall be replayed, in its entirety, unless at least seventy-five per cent of the total number of ends has been completed or seventy-five per cent of the total number of shots required in singles competitions has been obtained, in which case the score, at the state of the abandonment, shall be taken as the final score. In a replayed team match players shall, if possible, be the same as before, but if either side finds it impossible to play the same team, substitutes shall be permitted.
4.28 – – If, in a County Association match, a player fails to appear at the time fixed for the start of play, a maximum period of fifteen minutes shall be allowedupon expiry of which, a singles or pairs match shall be awarded to the opponent(s), but in a rinks match the play shall commence in accordance with the Laws of the Game. If the missing player arrives, after the match has started, he or she shall not be allowed to take part and neither may the match be recommenced. For this interpretation, the trial ends, shall not be considered as part of the actual match, and the missing player may start if only the trial ends have been played.
4.28(a) – If a Club Secretary advises the Competition Secretary (in writing or by email) that an entrant from his club will not be attending the finals, the Competition Secretary will advise their opponents that they do not need to attend the green to be awarded that game. Once the Competition Secretary has been informed of non-attendance in writing , that decision cannot be reversed.
4.29 – Score Cards – At the conclusion of each game, the winner is to notify the Competition Secretary of the result, by Telephone, Text, Email or in Person, within 72 Hours of the match being played. Whichever method is used, this must contain Competition, Tie Number and names of all those taking part in the game as well as the Final Score. Score Cards are to be retained by the winner and handed to the Competition Secretary at the Finals. Failure to do so will render that player or players being eliminated from the Competition.
(a) Singles Competitions – The score card, is to be signed by both Players, and the result communicated by the Winning Player.
(b) Pairs & Rinks Competitions – The score cards, with the names of all players marked there-on, are to be signed, by both Skips and the result communicated by the Winning Skips.
(c) Entrance Fees – All entrance fees are to be paid with all entries.
(d) Playing Greens – All games up to and including the semi-final are to be played on the greens of the First Named Player(s), Starting times and Play by Dates will be as printed in the County Handbook. All Finals to be played on the Greens as recommended by the Competition Secretary, but ratified by the executive committee.
(e) Competitions Entry Date – All Competitions entries are to be forwarded to the Association General Secretary on or before the AGM. No entries will be accepted after this date.
(f) County Competitions Fixtures – All individual competitions will be played on a set date and time basis chosen by the competition Secretary. This means all dates up to the final will be set dates and times. Anyone wishing to play their game before the set date should contact their opponent to arrange a suitable time and date that all players agree to. If no contact is made or a suitable date cannot be agreed the match should be played on the set date and time provided by the competition Secretary on the release of the draws.
g) The failure of a player or players to appear after a maximum waiting period of 30 minutes (except in exceptional circumstances i.e. traffic) from the time fixed for the start of the game, shall cause the player(s) to forfeit the game to their opponent.
(h) No extension will be granted beyond the play by date of the round unless exceptional circumstances arise. All Competitions shall be under the control of the Executive Committee, who shall make any such additional regulations as they deem expedient, however, such additional regulations are to be ratified at the AGM. All entrants are expected to adhere to the rules for Mixed Competitions – See conditions for County Competitions.
4.30 Disputes – The subject of a dispute, must be in writing, and forwarded to the Competition Secretary within 5 days of the dispute occurring. The Competition Secretary will adjudicate on the complaint and make a decision. However, if his decision is unacceptable, the complainant has the right of appeal to the Executive Committee as per Constitution Rule 5.6
Club 2 Bowl Champion of Champions Singles Competition, R.J. Hewitt Cup;
1 – This Competition is confined to the past season’s winner of the 2 Bowl Championship of each club. New clubs champions are not allowed to enter in the first year of membership.
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6 – Winner to hold the R.J. Hewitt Cup for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
Club 4 Bowl Champion of Champions Singles Competition, T. Nicholson Trophy;
1 – This Competition is confined to the past season’s winner of the 4 Bowl championship of each club
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 4 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6 – The winner will hold the Tom Nicholson Memorial Trophy for 12 months.
County 2 Bowls Singles Championship, M. Cairns Cup;
1 – The competition is open to members of clubs affiliated to the association and played under the rules of the association
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6. The winner will hold the M. Cairns Cup for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County Four Bowls Singles Championship, The Roland Blaylock Cup;
1 – The competition is open to members of clubs affiliated to the association and played under the rules of the association
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 4 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6. The winner will hold the Rowland Blaylock Cup for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the National Championships at Skegness.
County Under 25s Two Bowls Singles Championship, Joe Young Memorial Trophy;
1 – The competition is open to members of clubs affiliated to the association and played under the rules of the association.
2 – Entrants must be under 25 years of age on the last day of the national championships in that year.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
4 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
6 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
7 – The winner will hold the J. Young Memorial Trophy for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the National Championships at Skegness.
County Veterans Over 65s Two Bowl Singles Championships, W.E. Harding Cup;
1 – The Competition is open to members of clubs affiliated to the Association and played under the rules of the Association. Entrants must be 65 years or over on the 1st May of the year in which the competition is played.
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the home player and played at their venue.
3. The game shall be decided on 21 points, 2 bowls each player. Two Trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6 – Winner to hold the W.E. Harding Cup for 12 months . The winner will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County Secretaries Two Bowl Singles Championship, Chronicle Cup;
1 – Shall be competed for by male National, County Association and registered club Secretaries only.
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Player and played at their venue.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
4. The Home player will provide a Marker. The Marker may answer any queries as to the position of the bowls and their distance from the jack but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either player as to the play.
5 – If either player fails to turn up, the game will be awarded to the opponent.
6 – The winner will hold the “Chronicle Cup for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the National Championships at Skegness.
Under 25 & Over 25 2 Bowl Pairs Championship, George Redpath Trophy;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association, also to all female members of clubs affiliated to the NCWBF and played under the rules of the Association. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress.
2 – One player, either male or female, to be over 25 years of age on 1st September and one player, either male or female to be under 25 years of age on 1st September in the year of the competition.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
4 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18 & 4.20.
6 – The winners will hold the “George Redpath Trophy” for 12 months.
County 2 Bowl Pairs Championship, Jackson Cup;
1 – The competition is open to all Clubs affiliated to the Association..
2 – Any number of pairs may enter from one club, but each pair must come from the same club.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
4 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18
6 – The winners will hold the “Jackson Cup” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County 2 Bowl Mixed Pairs Championship, Leazes Cup;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association, also to female members of all clubs affiliated to the NCWBF, and played under the rules of the Association. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress regulations.
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the male entrant i.e. re-arrangements of games, non-compliance with requests etc. The female must abide by the decision made by the male entrant. The playing venue must be that of the male entrant.
3 – The game shall be decided on 21 shots, 2 bowls each player. 2 trial ends shall be allowed.
4 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18 & 4.20.
5 – The winners will hold the “Leazes Cup” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness
County Under 25s 2 Bowl Open Pairs Championship, The Russell Cup;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to Association, also to all female members of clubs affiliated to the NCWBF, and played under the rules of the Association. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress regulations.
2 – Entrants must be under 25 years of age on the last day of the national championships in that year. (Rinks can be 2 males, 2 females or male & female.)
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
4 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18 & 4.20.
6 – The winners will hold the “Russell Cup” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County Veterans Over 65s 2 Bowl Pairs Championship, The Seaton Burn Shield;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association and played under the rules of the Association.
2 – Entrants must be 65 years of age, or over, on 1st May of the year in which the competition is played.
3 – Any number of pairs may enter, from each club, but each pair must come from the same club.
4 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
5 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
6 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18.
7 – The winners will hold the “Seaton Burn Shield” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County 2 Bowl Senior Mixed Pairs Championship, The Jimmy Donaldson Cup
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association, also to all female members of clubs affiliated to the NCWBF, and played under the rules of the Association. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress regulations.
2 – In order to qualify male entrants must be 65 years of age and female entrants must be 60 years of age on 1st May of the year in which the competition is played. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress regulations.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the male entrant, i.e. re-arrangement of games, non-compliance with requests etc. The female entrant must abide by the decision made by the male entrant. The playing venue must be that of the male entrant.
4 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18 & 4.20.
6 – The winners will hold the “The Jimmy Donaldson Cup” for 12 months The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County 2 Bowl Rinks Championship, George Dixon Cup;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association and played under the rules of the Association.
2 – Any number of rinks may enter, from each club, but each rink must come from the same club, 3 players to constitute a rink.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
4 – The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18.
6 – The winners will hold the “George Dixon Cup” for 12 months The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County 3 Bowl Triples Championship, J.P. Cairns Cup;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association and played under the rules of the Association.
2 – Any number of rinks may enter, from each club, but each rink must come from the same club, 3 players to constitute a rink.
3 – All arrangements are to be made by the Home Team and played at their venue.
4 – The game to be decided on 18 ends, 3 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
5 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18.
6 – The winners will hold the “The J.P. Cairns Cup” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
County 2 Bowl Mixed Rinks Championship, Marie Denny Trophy;
1 – The competition is open to all male members of clubs affiliated to the Association, also to all female members of clubs affiliated to the NCWBF, and played under the rules of the Association. Female entrants will be expected to comply with the NCWBF dress regulations.
2 – All arrangements are to be made by the male entrant, i.e. re-arrangement of games, non-compliance with requests etc. The female entrant must abide by the decision made by the male entrant. The game to be decided on 21 ends, 2 bowls each player. 2 Trial ends shall be allowed.
3 – Substitutes are permitted as per 4.18 & 4.20.
4 – The winners will hold the “The Marie Denny Trophy” for 12 months. The winners will also compete in the EBF Championships at Skegness.
1 – Competition Jurisdiction – Breaches of competition rules or conditions by any member or members, will be adjudicated over by the Competition Secretary.
2 – Competitions Rules;
2.1 – Dates by which rounds have to be completed by are to be strictly adhered to. All matches are to be played to a conclusion i.e. no time limit. It will be the responsibility of the Home Player to ensure sufficient time is booked. Failure to do so will result in the match being awarded to the opponent.
2.2 – The first named player, of each tie, will give his opponent 3 dates, not consecutively, but within 14 days of the completion of the previous round. One of these dates must be accepted.
2.3 – If the dates are unacceptable the tie will then be referred to the Competition Secretary (the adjudicator) for adjudication as to whether the reasons given for being unable to accept, one of the given dates, are bona fide.
3a) If the adjudicator, after investigation, finds in favour of the of the objection, to the given dates, one or more dates must be given by the first named player (the adjudicator may give guidance on this date) this date must be accepted. If the date is again refused the offending player will automatically be disqualified from the competition..
3b) If the adjudicator, after investigator, decides that the reason given, for not accepting one of the 3 dates are not bona-fide, the offending member shall be advised of this and given one further chance to accept the last given date, If again refused, the offending player will be automatically disqualified from the competition.
4 – It shall be the sole responsibility, of the first named player, to inform the Competition Secretary, as soon as the third date is objected to or any objection to the tie being played by the completion date is identified. This will give reasonable time to reach a solution and, or make a decision, on the issue. Any failure to do so may result in his automatic disqualification from the competition. The adjudicator, after nvestigation, decides that, in his opinion, both members are refusing to accommodate each other, he may disqualify both members from the competition.
5 – The decision of the adjudicator is final at all times, (Right of appeal under the Constitution 5.5)
6 – Players in Indoor competitions shall be members of an Outdoor club affiliated to the Federation They may enter another Bounty Bowling Association’s Indoor competitions but only in the following circumstances:-
a) – He/she does not enter competitions from any other County Bowling area.
b) – He/she deals directly with the Competition Secretary of that County Bowling Association area, bearing in mind that the day, by which entries close, may differ, and that the onus is on him/her to submit his/her entry on time.
c) – He/she pays any additional levy imposed by that County Bowling Association. (Team events i.e. Derbyshire, Eversley and Harry Carver Indoor Competitions) are excluded from this arrangement.
7 – In the Planet and LMC Trophies the male competitors shall be members of an outdoor club affiliated to the Federation and the female competitors shall be a member of an outdoor club affiliated to E.W.B.F.
8 – Disputes – The subject of a dispute, must be in writing, and forwarded to the Competition Secretary within 5 days of the dispute occurring. The Competition Secretary will adjudicate on the complaint and make a decision. However, if his decision is unacceptable, the complainant has the right of appeal to the Executive Committee as per Constitution 5.5.
Indoor Bowls Singles Competition, Mel Walsh Trophy;
1 – Ties to be played on the green of the first named player as drawn.
2 – Both players to share the cost of green fees.
3 – Home player to give his opponent three dates, not consecutively, one of which must be accepted. Home player to supply the marker.
4 – All ties to be played to EBF Rules.
5 – Rules for Indoor Competitions are to be strictly adhered to.
6 – Games to be of 21 Shots. (No Time Limit).
7 – All ties to be played by the due date shown. Failure to do so will result in the offending player being eliminated from the competition.
8 – The winner will hold the Mel Walsh trophy for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the national finals at Newark.
Under 25s 2 Bowl Singles Competition, JMS Trophy;
1 – Conditions as per “Mel Walsh Trophy”. Entrants must be under 25 years of age on the last day of the national championships in that year.
2 – The Winner will hold the “JMS Trophy” for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the national finals at Newark.
Indoor 2 Bowl Pairs, Rinks, Mixed Pairs and Mixed Rinks (Dewar Cup, Moffatt Cup, Planet Trophy, LMC Trophy)
1 – Conditions as per “Mel Walsh Trophy”, except that the games will consist of 21 ends.
2 – The first named player, of each tie, will give his opponent 3 dates, not consecutively , one of which must be accepted.
3 – The winners will hold the respective “Cup, Trophy” for 12 months. The winner will also compete in the national finals at Newark.
Score Cards.
1 – At the conclusion of each game, the winner is to notify the Competition Secretary of the result, by Telephone, Text, Email or in Person, within 72 Hours of the match being played. Whichever method is used, this must contain Competition, Tie Number and names of all those taking part in the game as well as the Final Score. Score Cards are to be retained by the winner and handed to the Competition Secretary at the Semi-Finals. Failure to do so will render that player or players being eliminated from the Competition.
a) – Singles – The score card, signed by both players, and the result communicated by the winning player.
b) – Pairs & Rinks – The score cards, with the names of all players, marked thereon, are to be signed by both skips and the result communicated by the winning skips.
c) – Entrance Fees – All entrance fees are to be paid with all entries. .
The Gala.
1 – The Gala will be played under EBF Rules.
2 – The Competition shall be played on a “Round Robin” format.
3 – The winners of each group (and the highest runner-up if necessary), advancing to Quarter Finals and Semi=-Finals (depending of the number of groups).
4 – At the end of the Group matches, if there is a tie, for first place in a Group, the winner will be decided on shot difference, if there is still a tie then the Skips, of each tying rink, will bowl 1 bowl to a full length jack and the closest to the jack will be deemed the winner.
4 – A minimum of 16 teams will be required, “to hold the competition”, up to a maximum of 32 teams.
5 – Dress;
5.1 – Men – Shirts. Predominantly white bowls shirt, white or cream dress shirts or white polo shirt “T Shirts”.
Trousers. To be grey (tracksuit bottoms, shorts or jeans will not be allowed. Shoes. Bowls Footwear, as supplied by a recognised Bowls Wear Retailer, or specially adapted Bowling Shoes, are to be worn. Hats or Caps, if worn, to be white or cream. (No Advertising). Cold or Wet Weather Clothing, if worn, to be white or cream (No Club Colours).
Ladies Dress as per NCWBF Regulations. (3.2 – 3.4).
6 – All matches, except the Semi-Finals and Final, will 9 ends or 45 minutes, whichever comes first, the Semi-Finals and Final will be 9 ends with no time limit.
7 – There will be one trial end in all games.
8 – No visiting the “head”, during the matches, except for the Semi-Finals and Final where there is no time limit.
9 – Score Cards. All score cards are to be handed in, immediately after match has been played.
10 – Additional information will be given prior to the competition.
League Competitions Rules
1 – The Competitions shall be played as per the fixtures on the dates as printed in the County Handbook.
2 – Dress;
a) -Shirts. Predominantly white bowls shirt, White or cream dress shirt or white or cream polo shirt or club coloured shirt (colour to be registered with the General Secretary). “T” Shirts (no collar) are not allowed.
b) – Trousers. Informal, Grey Tailored Shorts by an approved bowls wear manufacturer, to be worn with grey ankle or trainer socks. tracksuit bottoms. shorts or jeans will not be allowed.
c) – Bowls Footwear – In Mixed League, Minor Cup, Senior Cup, Potts Cup, Club Team Knockout and Inter-County Team Competitions including Durham Centenary Tophy – Bowls Footwear as supplied by a recognised Bowls Wear Retailer or specially adapted Bowling Shoes are to be worn.
d) – Pullover, Cardigan or Jacket must be white or cream or club coloured shirt (colour to be registered with the General Secretary).
e) – Hats or caps, if worn, to be white or cream or club coloured (No Advertising).
f) – Ladies Dress as per NCWBF Regulations.
4 – Penalties for Flouting Dress Regulations – The Team Captain, of the non-offending team should object, to the opposing Team Captain, about the offending player’s dress. If the offending player is allowed to play, improperly dressed, by the Team Captain, the objecting Team Captain should then submit a report to the Executive Committee who In turn, will penalise the offending team, “a deduction of 4 points per offending player per match”. In any County competition, an opponent will not be allowed to commence playing whilst improperly dressed his opponent will then be awarded the game.
5 – League Matches;
5.1 – The League Matches will start at 7pm from the start of the season until end of July. 15 minutes grace will be allowed for the arrival of any players but games must start no later than 7.15pm. Any team not ready to play, at that time, will forfeit the match.
5.2 – From 1st August until end of August, matches will start at 6.30pm, 15 minutes grace will be allowed for the arrival of any players, but games must start no later than 6.45pm Any team not ready to play, at that time, will forfeit the match.
5.3 – From 1st September until end of season, matches will start at 6pm. 15 minutes grace will be allowed for the arrival of any players but games must start no later than 6.15pm. Any team, not read to ready to play, at that time, will forfeit the game