1.1 – The Association shall be called “The Northumberland County Bowling Association (Three-a side). Hereafter “The Association”.
2.1 – To affiliate to the English Bowling Association. All games shall be played under Federation laws of the game.
2.2 – To adopt rules for the governance of the Game, Championships and Tournaments.
2.3 – To appoint or act as arbiters in cases of disputes.
2.4 – To do all such things, as may be advisable, for the encouragement and regulation of the Federation game of bowls.
2.5 – Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. The Association is committed to promoting a Safe Environment in which Children and Vulnerable Adults can enjoy taking part in games of bowls. It will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by following and promoting the Joint Protection Policy and Procedures of the National Governing Bodies.
2.6 – The Association shall operate a policy of equal opportunity without distinction or prejudice of age, religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, political persuasion, physical disability, learning difficulties, or other options in pursuance of its objectives.
3.1 – Membership of The Association shall be open to those bowling clubs, leagues and tournament committees, whose Headquarters or playing greens are situated in the County of Northumberland, and of other clubs elected by the Executive Committee, as affiliated to the Association.
3.2 – Each club or tournament committee, seeking affiliation to the Association, shall forward a copy of its rules or programme to the General Secretary of The Association. Each such application, for affiliation to The Association, shall be submitted to be considered by and voted on for election, by the Executive Committee.
3.2 (a) – A condition of joining the Association is that any club, seeking Affiliation, shall be required to enter at least one team, in any one of the leagues, run by the County.
3.3 – All clubs shall forward to the General Secretary a full list of Club Members, regardless of whether or not they enter EBF Competitions or Leagues as of 31st August of that year. The number of members listed should match the number on the Affiliation Form referred to in 3.6.
3.4 – Any club, league and tournament committees whose subscriptions, is not paid by 16th March, shall forfeit all privileges of membership so long as the subscription remains unpaid.
3.5 – All clubs, leagues and tournament committees, affiliated to The Association, shall be bound by the Constitution and Rules of The Association and by the Laws of the game as published by the English Bowling Federation. No player shall be allowed to be a playing member of more than one Association club in The Association competitions in any one season (i.e. Indoor or Outdoor Season) and must have been a member of the club he represents at least seven days. Special cases to be considered by the Executive Committee.
3.6 – The General Secretary shall forward each year to all clubs, a form to be completed by the club, for affiliation to the County, also entry to Minor, Senior, Potts Cup and Mixed Leagues, & Club Knockout competition. The Four Bowl, Two Bowl Club Champion and Secretary’s Cup and the total club membership from the previous year.
3.7 – All clubs to pay a levy charge per club member to The Association as recommended by the Treasurer and Officials Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.
3.8 – New clubs joining The Association cannot enter their Four and Two Bowl Champions until the following year, which will be played under E.B.F. rules.
3.9 – New clubs joining The Association will be subject to payment of the said affiliation fees, but will not be subject to National or County levy fees until the following season.
4.1 – A Treasurer shall be elected, by The Association, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4.2 – Accounts shall be made up to the 31st October each year.
4.3 – Accounts shall be audited by the auditors elected at the AGM.
4.4 – An audited account of Income and Expenditure, for the year, shall be presented by the Treasurer to The Association AGM. A copy of such accounts shall be sent to each member of the Executive Committee and to the Secretary of each affiliated club.
4.5 – All subscriptions and levy fees, payable to The Association, as recommended by the Treasurer and Officials committee shall be notified to the AGM for approval, and shall be payable on or before the Spring General Meeting.
4.6 – A condition of membership, of any constituent club, shall be the annual payment, by each member, of the current per capita levy of the EBF, regardless of whether or not that member plays in Federation Competitions. Each County Bowling Association shall pay such sums, as the National Executive Committee of the EBF shall determine
4.7 – Each club shall receive two English Bowling Federation handbooks at cost price.
5.1 – The following officers shall be elected at the AGM, President, President Elect; Chairman, Vice Chairman; General Secretary; Treasurer, League Secretary, Competition Secretary, and a Match Secretary. There shall be appointed two Auditors, a Communications Officer and a Delegate to the National Delegate Council. All such post-holders shall be approved by the County Executive Committee.
5.2 – Any member may be considered for election, as an officer to any of the posts as outlined in 5.1. However, if owing to circumstances, he is unable to attend the AGM, he can put his request, in writing, the position he wishes to be considered for, seconded by an eligible member, “Attending the AGM”, and forwarded to the General Secretary (not less than 28 days prior to the AGM.
5.3 -The President will be elected from one of The Associations Clubs. If he requests upon installation he may serve a period of two years as president.
5.3a – A Deputy president will be elected from one of The Associations Clubs. he will become President upon conclusion of the President’s term of office.
5.4 – As the role of President is that of a figurehead, nominations from a club and subsequent election to the office of DP and President, will not preclude anyone from being elected to any other office within The Association.
5.5 – The General Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted at all committee meetings and shall report thereon at the AGM. An agenda for non-AGM and SGM meetings (see sections 12 and 13 regarding AGM and SGM notice of meetings) will be published and sent to all club secretaries no later than 7 days before the meetings with a copy of minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes of each meeting will be produced and distributed to club secretaries within 14 days of the meeting.
5.6 – The Executive Committee shall have power to adjudicate in County Competitions as to the meaning or interpretation of the Laws of the Game and a dispute between an individual, and The Association, or upon any point not covered by them that may arise. The subject of dispute must be in writing and forwarded to the Secretary within 5 days. The General Secretary shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee for its consideration. Each party, with any witnesses, may be heard, and the decision of the Executive Committee, shall be communicated to the parties concerned. Should a member of the Executive Committee, be a member of a club involved in the dispute under consideration, the said member shall retire during such times as the dispute is being dealt with.
5.7 – The Executive Committee may hold an enquiry into any case of misconduct, or breach of the Constitution or any regulation hereunder, by any club, individual or official, as the case may be, participating in any event, or social occasion, under the jurisdiction and/or control of the Association, and to impose such actions as the Executive Committee feel appropriate. Consideration shall be given to any recommendation, made by a committee, to whom it has delegated power to hold an enquiry, in making such delegation, the Executive Committee may impose such conditions, as it thinks fit, and everything done, in due performance of such delegation shall, for all purposes be deemed to be done by the Executive Committee, and shall have force and effect accordingly. Misconduct defined for the purposes, of the regulations shall be:
a) Be guilty of any breach of the Constitution or the Laws of the Game.
b) Be guilty of any conduct which is prejudicial to the interest of The Association and the Game of Bowls.
c) Deliberately lose, or attempt to lose, any game or otherwise be guilty of unfair play.
d) Wilfully alter a bowl, after the same has been stamped by a W.B.B. licensed tester, without submitting the same, to such tester for re-testing and re-stamping.
e) At any function of The Association or any County Association or Club or whilst upon property of any County Association, or club, use profane, indecent or improper language.
f) At any time or place, be guilty of offensive or insulting behaviour towards The Association or any County Association, or club, or any member thereof, or any Official appointed by such body, in respect of the carrying out of any function or duties, under the Laws of the Game or Constitution, or of such County Association or Club, as applicable.
g) Be guilty of drug abuse, otherwise known as ‘doping’, in breach of Doping Policy Regulations.
h) Shall cause themselves to be unfit to play through, either drug or alcohol abuse, during the course of any event, under the direct control of The Association.
i) Disregard or refuse compliance with or act in contravention of any decision of the Executive Committee.
5.8 – Any individual (“herein after called the appellant”) aggrieved by a disciplinary decision, of The Association, may appeal against that decision. An appeal may be paid to the Appeal Committee of the National Executive Committee of the EBF. Such an appeal shall be lodged by the appellant, sending a written notice of the decision appealed against, and including the grounds of the appeal, to the Secretary of the EBF. A copy of that notice, and grounds of the appeal, should also be sent to the General Secretary of The Association. Upon receipt of such a notice, the Appeal Committee shall fix a time and place for the hearing of the appeal. At the hearing the appellant and the General Secretary, may appear and be heard, or may submit a written statement, to the Appeal Committee. Any costs will be borne by the party incurring them. The decision of the Appeal Committee shall be final.
6.1 – The County Executive Committee shall consist of the officers elected at The Association AGM, together with a delegate from each club, all life members and the Immediate Past President.
6.2 – Five members of the County Executive Committee shall form a quorum.
6.3 – A Captain for each of the County Teams shall be elected by the Executive Committee from one of its members or from a nomination received from a member of the Association.
6.4 – Any Federation member may be co-opted on, as necessary, by the Executive Committee.
6.5 – The arrangements for all finals in the County shall be made by the Executive Committee.
6.6 – An Association Annual Presentation evening shall be arranged by and on, a date proposed by the Officials Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.
6.7 – The Executive Committee may, at any meeting, set up sub-committees as found necessary. These committees will sit in an advisory capacity and report back to the Officials Committee.
6.8 – Any member of the Executive Committee may propose or second a motion, however, votes may only be cast by the nominated delegates.
6.9 – The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any person(s), having skills, knowledge, experience or expertise which it commends desirable to serve on sub-committees. Such co-opted member(s) shall have the power to speak and vote.
6.9 (a) Captains of any county team may be co-opted from playing members of the NCWBF.
6.10 – The maximum number of co-opted members shall not exceed three on any sub-committee.
6.11 – Co-opted person(s) shall not be entitled to a County badge
6.12 – Associated members may attend Executive meetings but shall not be allowed to speak or vote.
6.13 – Co-opted persons may (if requested) attend Executive Committee Meetings and speak on the subject of their specific sub-committee but not vote.
6.14 – A two thirds majority of votes shall be required for any amendment decided at County Executive level.
6.15 – Any delegate, who has attended three or more consecutive County Executive Committee Meetings, shall be entitled to purchase a cloth blazer badge.
7.1 – The Finance Committee shall consist of the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and two members appointed at the first Executive Meeting after the AGM..
7.2 – The Finance Committee shall act in an advisory capacity, a report of their findings, to be given at a meeting of the Executive Committee.
7.3 – The main terms of reference, of this committee, shall be considered to be the forward planning of The Association finances.
7.4 – The President may attend all meetings of the Finance Committee, but may not vote.
8.1 – The County Selection Committee shall consist of Three selectors from the Executive Committee or from a Nomination received from an Association member who will be appointed at the first Executive meeting after the AGM, together with Captains of both the Adams and Newton Trophy teams. It will be the responsibility of the selector to ensure that all county games are covered. The team Captains are required to give a report, on all aspects, of the previous game.
8.1b – The Indoor County Selection Committee shall consist of three selectors appointed from the Officials Committee at their first meeting after the Spring General Meeting, together with Captain of the Derbyshire trophy team. All the aforesaid shall have full powers at their meetings. It will be the responsibility of the selectors to ensure that all County games are covered. The team Captain is required to give a report, on all aspects, of the previous game.
8.2 – The County Chairman, or in his absence, the County Vice-Chairman, at his discretion, shall call a meeting or subsequent meetings, of the Selection Committee, for the purpose of selecting players, for trials and teams to represent the County in the Adams, Newton and Derbyshire Trophy competitions. The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice Chairman, shall chair these meetings. The selection of players, to represent the County, in the U25S Reg Wright Trophy, to be left to the Team Captain and the two appointed selectors.
8.3 – The selector is not bound by any nominations of players, and may select any player worthy of inclusion in any County game.
8.4 – Players selected shall be notified of their selection. Reserve players shall also be selected and notified of their selection as reserves.
8.5 – All players, in the County teams, shall be charged a match fee as recommended by the Treasurer and Officials Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.
8.6 – Any player, who has played 3 times for the County, in the Adams, Newton, Derbyshire or Reg Wright (U25s) Trophy’s matches, shall be presented with a metal County badge. A cloth blazer badge may also be purchased after 3 County games Reg Wright (U25s) Trophy’s matches, shall be presented with a metal County badge. A cloth blazer badge may also be purchased after 3 County games.
9.1 – The immediate Past President will have the responsibility of briefing the Junior Deputy President on the duties he will be expected to carry out in the future and to introduce him to the ‘County Scene’.
9.2 – At The Association Annual Presentation, the final duties of the Immediate Past President, in his ex officio year, will be to call out names of County Competition Finalists and National Finalists
9.3 – The Immediate Past President will, in his ex-officio year, be entitled to attend Executive meetings where he is allowed to speak, but will not be allowed to vote.
10.1 – Life membership may be granted to certain individuals who, by reason of loyal service or other meritorious action, are recommended by the Executive Committee, to be deserving of this honour.
10.2 – Nominations, for life membership, approved by the Executive Committee, shall be placed before The Association AGM.
10.3 – Life members may attend meetings of the Executive Committee with powers to speak but not to vote.
11.1 – The Association encourages the election of Honorary Vice-Presidents, who shall apply to the General Secretary, at the Association AGM.
11.2 – A Vice-President is, in no way, entitled to any voting powers or Executive status.
11.3 – The minimum annual subscription of Vice-Presidents shall be £2.00.
11.4 – The annual subscription of Vice-Presidents shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
12.1 – The AGM of The Association shall be held in the month of November, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, together with a Spring meeting to be held in the month of March.
12.2 – Notices of Motion, to be considered at the AGM, must be received by the General Secretary, not less than forty-two days before the date of the AGM.
12.3 – The General Secretary shall circulate, to all affiliated clubs, details of such notices of motion received by him, in accordance with article 12.2 and convene an Executive meeting 42 days, before the date of the AGM.
12.4 – Any club wishing to amend, any of the notices of motion, circulated to it, in accordance with article 12.3 shall, not less than twenty-eight days before the date of the AGM, giving notice, in writing, to the General Secretary of its intention so to do, indicating in such notice the wording of the amendment.
The General Secretary shall convene an Executive meeting 28 days, before the date of the AGM.
12.5 – Not less than fourteen days, before the date of the AGM, General Secretary shall give notice of the meeting, to all affiliated clubs, and with such notice shall indicate, the final agenda for the meeting, showing the amendments, if any, of which such notice has been given.
12.6 – Only notices of motion and amendments, circulated in accordance with article 12.5, shall be permitted at the AGM or Spring Meeting.
12.7 – Votes may only be cast by up to two nominated delegates of each club. Any Club, sending less than two delegates, shall be entitled to votes equal to the number of delegates present.
12.8 – A two thirds majority, of votes cast, shall be needed for the carrying of any notice of motion.
12.9 – At the AGM when voting for the position of Chairman, if there is no Vice Chairman available the President shall Chair the Meeting during the Voting process, if not President available then the General Secretary will take over the Chair for this period
13.1 – A Special General Meeting may be called, at any time, by the General Secretary and, where he certifies the subject matter to be a case of urgency, shall be called within 14 days on receipt of a written request, from two affiliated clubs to do so. Such request to be signed, on behalf of each club, by a properly authorised official.
13.2 – The General Secretary shall give fourteen days notice of such Special General Meeting to all clubs, and shall, with such notice, state what business is to be discussed.
13.3 – At any Special General Meeting, only the business of which notice has been given, in accordance with article 13.2, shall be discussed.
13.4 – In all other aspects the procedure for voting at a Special General Meeting, shall be as at the AGM.
14.1 – Only one member may speak at any time.
14.2 – All members must stand when speaking and address the Chairman.
14.3 – A member, wishing to speak, must state his name, and the name of the club he represents.
14.4 – All motions must be proposed, and seconded, before any discussion is allowed.
14.5 – Each member shall only speak once on any motion, although the proposer, of such motion, has the final right to reply.
14.6 – Motions, for the closure of debate, e.g. “that the question be now put” if properly seconded, shall be voted on immediately.
14.7 – At an Association AGM or Special General Meeting a two thirds majority, of votes cast, shall be needed for the carrying of any motion or amendment.
15.1 – There shall be no proxy voting.
15.2 – Co-opted members are entitled to vote at sub-committee meetings only.
15.3 – Except, as otherwise stated in this Constitution, voting shall be that at any Committee or sub-committee meeting, each delegate is entitled to one vote only, in the case of equality of votes, the Chairman, of that committee, shall have a casting vote.
16.1 – The Association may, in General Meetings, make such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings, competition rules and dress, or otherwise as it, from time to time, may decide.
16.2 – A two thirds majority, of votes cast, shall be required for any addition or amendments to this Constitution or any Rule.
17 Notices of Motion (Special Conditions)
17.1 Notices of motion may be submitted to the General Secretary at any time, with a proposer and seconder.
17.2a The General Secretary is to dispatch a copy of the notice(s) of motion to all members of the Executive Committee as soon as possible.
17.2b Amendments for any notice(s) of motion may be accepted up to 14 days after the date on which the members of the Executive Meeting received notification of such notice(s) of motion.
17.2c If requested by one or more Executive Committee members, that the notice(s) of motion requires a debate and a vote; or, if there are any amendments received by the General Secretary, they are to call a meeting of the Executive Committee not less than 14 days, but no more than 28 days, from the date on which the members of the Executive Committee are notified of such notice(s) of motion.
17.2d Should there be unanimous support for the notice(s) of motion, or an amendment, from the members of the Executive Committee; and that there is no request of a debate or a vote by any members, the notice(s) of motion will be enshrined into the appropriate clause without debate or vote.”
17.2e Special provision may be given by the General Secretary to allow a vote by whichever means are necessary, including electronically.
17.2f The above clauses apply only for the period of time exclusive of that in relation to the AGM, unless there is unanimous support by the members of the Executive Committee to do so.
18 – Officials Committee
18.1 – The officials committee will be made up from Chairman, President, General secretary, Competition and league secretary, Match secretary, Communication officer and Executive representative. The duties will be the day to day management of the county.
18.2 – The Executive Roles will be elected at the first executive committee after the AGM.
18.3 – A quorum will be formed of 4 officials.
18.4 – An Association Annual Presentation evening shall be arranged by, and on a date decided by, the Officials Committee and ratified by the Executive Committee
18.5 – The officials Committee may, at any meeting, set up sub-committees as found necessary. These committees will sit in an advisory capacity and report back to the officials committee.
18.6 – Officials may put motions forward at any time, the motion will be put forward to the executive and if passed the motion would come into effect at the relevant time.
18.7 – In all cases (except AGM) where recommendations from Officials Committee are to be approved/ratified by the Executive Committee the General Secretary can distribute and receive approval via text and email. Ie it is not necessary to hold a formal Executive Committee Meeting.